Febbraio 3, 2025

Maja Borowicz



Maja Borowicz è una pittrice , grafico e artista. 

Tutti i dipinti dell’artista sono creati dalla combinazione di immaginazione, talentoe artigianato di pittura tradizionale. Le sue opere possono essere classificate come realismo magico o surrealismo. 

“Il mondo di Maja Borowicz da un lato è saldamente radicato nella realtà e dall’altro sta aprendo l’evento superando l’esperienza.In questo modo, i dipinti sono saturi di simbolismi esistenziali di realismo magico che coinvolgono le esperienze più intime eprofonde dell’esistenza umana “. Dr. hab. Arch.Jeremi T. Królikowski]

Maja Borowicz is a painter, graphic and artist.

All the artist’s paintings are created from the combination of imagination, talent and traditional painting craft. Her works can be categorized as magical realism or surrealism.

“The world of Maja Borowicz from one side is firmly rooted in reality and from the other she is opening the event exceeding experience. In this way, the paintings are saturated with existential symbolism of magical realism involving the innermost and the most profound experiences of human existence.” [Prof. dr hab. arch. Jeremi T. Królikowski]

Maja Borowicz have presented her artworks in many individual and group exhibitions.